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How you can improve your workflow using the JavaScript console

As a web developer, you know very well the need to debug your code. We often use external libraries for logs, and to format and/or display them in some cases, but the console of our browsers is much more powerful than we think.

When we think about the console, the first thing that comes to mind and the console.log, right? But there are many more methods than those we imagine. Now we will see how to make the most of using the console, and I’ll give you some tips to make them these methods more readable

What is the Console?

  • View a log of errors and warnings that occur on a web page.
  • Interact with the web page using JavaScript commands.
  • Debug applications and traverse the DOM directly in the browser.
  • Inspect and analyze network activity

Basically, it empowers you to write, manage, and monitor JavaScript right within your browser.

Console.log, Console.error, Console.warn and

Example of how to use the

The results will look like this:


Example of how to use the console.table

The result is wonderful and very useful in debugging:

Console.count, Console.time and Console.timeEnd

Example of how to use the console.time and console.count

The output will look like this:

Console.trace and Console.assert

As we can see, the output is exactly what React (or any other library) would show us when we generate an exception.

Delete all the Consoles 🙀

const UglifyJsPlugin = require('uglifyjs-webpack-plugin')
var debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";

optimization: {
minimizer: !debug ? [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
// Compression specific options
uglifyOptions: {
// Eliminate comments
comments: false,
compress: {
// remove warnings
warnings: false,
// Drop console statements
drop_console: true
})] : []

The configuration is really trivial and it simplifies the work, so have fun with the console (but do not abuse it!)

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Thx and stay tuned 🚀
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Riccardo Canella

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Riccardo Canella @ricanella92 Love #basket, #bike and #HIMYM since my childhood. #Fullstack #Javascript addicted -

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